Wednesday, February 27, 2013



          One of the difficult thing that we face in our spiritual life is to FORGIVE.  To forgive ourselves and to forgive others.  Why? because we feel deeply wounded, hurt, humiliated, abandoned and cast out.  Even very  thought of some people makes us to boil up with anger.  'Even if I die, I won't forgive that person', or 'whatever the reason you give i will not forgive that person', these and similar other phrases often jumps out from our heart, mind and mouth.  Really one of the hardest thing that we ever feel to do is to FORGIVE.

          WHY CAN'T I FORGIVE OTHERS?  Ask the question again and write down the answers.  In every action, there are two factors involved: one is by mistake and another by purpose.  In other words, it just happened, or unintentional, of deliberately done or intentional.  Most of the time we are unable to forgive because we think that they have done it purposely.  Purposely they hurt us, humiliate us, purposely they wanted to put us down, cast us out.  Always we think that it is done deliberately.  So, we are not able to forgive others for what they have done or said.  Truly this is our misunderstanding. Many of us may not believe this.Even if some one has done something to us purposely truly it is not.  Mmm... it looks absurd, is it not? No, it is not.  Do we remember, 'Even the hairs of your head have been numbered,' (Lk. 12:7)  'not a hair of your head will perish' (Lk. 21:18) 'are you not worth more than a flock of sparrows?' (Lk. 12:7)  If God considers the lilies of the field so much, how much more will he care for us?  when he cares for us so much do we think that when others hurt us, humiliate us, or harm us God did not know all these things?

          Nothing happens in our lives without the knowledge of God.  Still if we remember, we read in the Bible, in the book of Job, that Satan asks permission from God to test Job.  Each time it is granted only certain things to do.  And Satan did not do more than what was allowed for him to do.  So, nothing more will happen to us without the knowledge of God.  Whether it's a hurt, humiliation, or harm, it just comes from God.  we may think that we are blaming God for our mistakes.  Mmm... may be, but for me even that happens for a purpose.  We might have done something wrong because of our wrong choice and by the misuse of our freedom but if we turn back to God, that will become a blessing.  Adam and Eve made a wrong choice, misused their freedom but they did not accept it or turn back to God, but blamed each other, as a result got the curse for all eternity.  Even in that situation the Mercy of God is outstanding.  So, let's always remember that everything comes from God.  If we accept and surrender those things to God surely we will be healed and be able to forgive others.

 Let's take a concrete example from the life of Jesus.  Tell me the truth, DID JEWS KILLED JESUS BY MISTAKE OR UNINTENTIONALLY?  Do we believe that the crucifixion of Jesus is just happened like that?  No, we know that.  It was intentionally, deliberately, purposely, preplanned murder.  They killed him by asking 'crucify him' which was not the capital punishment of the Jews but of the pagan Romans.  The capital punishment in Jewish custom is stoning to death.  Crucifixion is the way Romans kill the slaves and criminals.  Even among the Romans, if the criminal is a Roman citizen they won't crucify him but behead the criminal and that's why St. Paul as a Roman citizen not crucified to death but beheaded.  Just they wanted to kill Jesus to be so much humiliated even at his death by crucifixion.  So, the death of Jesus is very well planned and executed, right?

          But listen to the prayer of Jesus on the Cross, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do." (Lk. 23:34)  What a contradiction? They killed him intentionally, fully planned and He is praying that they do not know what they do. ha... But for sure, it's not contradiction.  They really do not know who really Jesus was.  St. Paul confirms that saying, "No ruler of this world ever knew this; otherwise they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory." (1Cor. 2:8)  And St. Peter in his preaching on the day of Pentecost says the same thing that Jews killed Jesus because of ignorance, without knowing who Jesus was, "Yet I know that you acted out of ignorance, as did your leaders." (Acts 3:17)  So, hope now it's clear that Jesus' prayer to forgive them for their ignorance is not a contradiction even they killed him intentionally. 

          By his exemplary prayer on the Cross, Jesus teaches the simple way how to forgive others.  Interpreting this event Servant of God Bishop Fulton Sheen would say that the only reason Jesus teaches us to forgive others unconditionally is IGNORANCE.  FORGIVE THEM; THEY DO NOT KNOW.  They do not know what they are doing.  Whoever it may be the person and whatever they may do to us, just FORGIVE THEM; THEY DO NOT KNOW.  Yes, they do not know who they are, what they are, as an image of God redeemed by the blood of Christ.  They do not know who you are, what you are, as a child of god created in his own image and likeness and redeemed by Christ.  We may argue, 'No, they did not act in ignorance, they deliberately did it to me.'  Just remember Jesus, neither the Jews did it out of ignorance, they planned and executed, but Jesus still prays for them that they do not know.  If we claim ourselves as true Christians, following Christ, are we not obliged do as Jesus taught us to do?

          The Prayer of Jesus: FORGIVE THEM; THEY DO NOT KNOW, is a Request and at the same time Recommendation.  It is a request when he prays to the Father.  The same prayer when he says to us it becomes a recommendation.  Very clearly Jesus recommended this already when he taught us to pray in the Our Father prayer. 'Forgive us - as we forgive.'  It's obvious.  Further he emphasizes by repeating, "If you forgive others their wrongs, your Father in heaven will also forgive yours.  If you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive you either." (Mt. 6:14-15)  Though Jesus already prayed to the father 'forgive us - as we forgive,' after finishing the prayer Jesus repeats the importance of forgiveness - the only condition to receive forgiveness.  From the Old Testament time this concept remains the same.  In the book of Sirach God the Father asks, "He who demands revenge will suffer the vengeance of the Lord who keeps a strict account of his sins. Forgive the mistakes of your neighbor and you may ask that your sins be forgiven. If a man bears resentment against another, how can he ask God for healing? If he has no compassion on others, how can he pray for forgiveness for his sins? As long as he, mere flesh, is resentful, who will obtain his pardon?" (Sirach 28:1-5)  Further it says, "Remember your end and give up the hatred"  For any other things there is no condition, but for forgiveness there is condition. FORGIVE TO BE FORGIVEN.

Pope John Paul II visits the prison and forgives the one who shot him
Pope Benedict XVI visits his butler who leaked his confidential letters
          Let's forgive for they do not know, let's forgive that our sins may be forgiven.  As I heard from the Recollection talk of Fr. Jesus M. OAD, by forgiving we do more good to ourselves than anyone else.  By anger, hatred, resentment and unforgiveness, physically, psychologically and spiritually we bring more harm to ourselves than anyone else hurt, humiliate and harm us.  None of us ever experienced more hurt, humiliation and cruelty than Jesus Himself.  We have two great examples before us, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI.  They have forgiven their traitor and shooter.  Are we much more holy and greater than these people?

"I will forgive their sins and no longer remember their wrongs." (Hebrews 8:12) 
"As the Lord has forgiven you, forgive one another. (Colossians 3:13)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


        It's not so easy to love others as Jesus loves us. If we do like that, then there won't be hurt for whatever the reason.  Some say love does not hurt, others say love hurts.  TRUE LOVE which proceeds from the love of Christ never hurts, but heals, comforts, consoles, guides, protects, etc.  But human love hurts, breaks our heart, feelings, emotions, sometimes tears apart and even kills.  How do we understand the different between these two.  There can be many differences.  Divine Love demands sacrifice from oneself, but human love demands sacrifice from others.  To say in other words, Divine Love love always gives, and human love always gets.  Divine Love respects, human love expects.

        When we love with expectation that makes us to be attached with someone whom we love and makes us to be dependent on that person.  As we know, practically, experiencially no human can fulfill the desires or expectations of other as they want it to be.  Because every human love is self seeking by nature.  Most human love proceeds with self interest, seeking some benefits from others.  You may agree or may not agree but honestly if you analyze your love for others you will find whether your love for others is Divine Love or human love.  divine love will not lament over the separation of the loved ones, because Divine Love never gets separated.  But human love gets hurts, and laments over the separation of the others because with the lose of that person it loses something what it expected, it can be physical, material or emotional.

        Then, how to love others with this Divine Love?  Is that so difficult? No, not at all.  It seems to be difficult but it's not so difficult, because Jesus made it easy for us by giving an example in loving others as God loves us. He said and lived, "There is no greater love than this, to give one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13).  Divine Love will be always ready to die for others.  Hu... that's not so easy, right?  How can we die for others, especially when they are strangers? So, it's difficult to achieve this Divine Love, is it not? No, it is not.  To understand the simplified version of Divine Love we need to follow the Golden Rule, "Do to others as you would have others do to you." (Luke 6:31)  It's just as simple as that.  When we like others to love us, we take the first step to love them, when we want others to understand us, first we try to understand them.  If we don't want others to humiliate us or scold us, let us not do that to others.  If we want others to help us when we are in need, let us do it first for others.  The important thing is that we need to do all these things without any kind of expectations.

        We do all these things not because of the people but because of God, we love God so we do all these things as he asked us to do.   We help someone not because they will help us back, but because God has said that whatever we do to the least of these children, we did it to him. (Matthew 25:40) We love someone not because they will love us back but because God loves us and asks us to do the same, "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34).  We accept, respect, forgive, forget not because that we expect anything from others, but because we love God and he asks us to be like him and nothing else.  We try to love everyone with the love of God.  And that love is, "Love is patient, kind, without envy. It is not boastful or arrogant. It is not ill-mannered nor does it seek its own interest. Love overcomes anger and forgets offenses.  It does not take delight in wrong, but rejoices in truth.  Love excuses everything, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love will never end." (1Corinthians 13:4-8)

        Now, when we start loving others as Jesus loves us, he will bring many people, even the people whom we never expected, into our friendship; that time we should be careful that we don't attach any expectations with it.  If we try to have any expectation then we will fall back into hurt, break up and frustration.  When we love with the love of the Lord, we need not to expect anything, because we will not have anything in need because everything will be taken care off even before we think about them.  So, there won't be any expectations, attachments and so no hurts.  So, now you can LOVE WITHOUT HURTS.

"I have just given you an example that as I have done, you also may do." (John 13:15)  

Let us not forget that whatever we give up or lose for the sake of God will never be a loss, but will always come back to us in manifold.  "It is in giving that we receive." (St. Francis of Assisi)

May the love of God speak with  us, fill us, heal us, comfort us, guide us in ways that are level and smooth.  "My love to all in Christ Jesus." (1Corinthians 16:24)